Once upon a time the handbag was a necessity for men, but for a woman, it was a daring statement. To carry items and money in bags and external pockets was considered a masculine habit.

Fast-forward to present times, handbags, belt bags and all manner of accessorizing have become essentially genderless.

What matters most is that the contents of your bag are private but what's on the outside is for the world to see.


Your handbag is an indispensable addition that represents your personality, ideas, and style-sense. The right handbag gives you the power to reinvent your outlook without saying a word.


Local artisans and craftspeople are the pulse of every community, and RETICULE is dedicated to uplifting our local community by sourcing their creative talents.


The textured solid brass RETICULE mark is one of the first subtly recognizable signs of interest that draw you in. The stellar silhouettes, construction, and design hold the attraction.